Teaching is highly rewarding work. At the University of Pennsylvania, I held a Graduate Fellowship for Teaching Excellence and recieved the Dean’s Award for Distinguished Teaching. I was subsequently interviewed for an article on teaching excellence. At the University of Illinois, I received the distinguished rating of ‘outstanding’ on the List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent. At the University of Central Florida, I recently received the Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award. I have taught the following courses:

Ancient Moral Philosophy
Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics
Biomedical Ethics
Democracy and the Power of Rhetoric
Freedom and Justice
History of Ancient Philosophy
Honors Introduction to Philosophy
Introduction to Ethics
Introduction to Philosophy
Justice, Law, and Morality
Key Figures in Philosophy
Plato and the Sophists
Plato’s Philebus
Plato’s Statesman
The Social Contract
Values and Virtues

I have also organized teaching-related workshops in my capacity as a fellow for teaching excellence and in connection with the American Association of Philosophy Teachers:

Karen Detlefsen: Teaching Philosophy to Pre-College Students
Susan Sauvé Meyer: Designing and Teaching an Online Course
Brian Reese: Establishing Clear Expectations for Written Work
Errol Lord: Using Office Hours Effectively
Bryan Van Norden: Teaching (and Learning From) Chinese Philosophy
Brian Reese: Engaging with the Community in Your Future Teaching
Lisa Miracchi: Wellness Advising
Michael Weisberg: Media in the Classroom
Daniel Singer: Effective Lecturing

For several years, I worked with Karen Detlefsen on a community engagement initiative aimed at outreach for at-risk and underserved children. This initiative is now part of Penn’s Philosophy for the Young K-12 Outreach Program. I led a team of volunteers at the Benjamin B. Comegys School in West Philadelphia. We discussed philosophical issues with middle-school students and developed a curriculum to be implemented at other schools.